Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Rush home part II

It was about 6.00 pm last Monday. I was about to take my wudhu’ to have my Asaar before heading home when I heard my Cuppycake ring again.

Me: Hello

Maid: Ibukkk…. Buk.. ^*# blabla^$$#@* Mata baby berdarah bukk… (heard the baby was crying out loud)

Me: What? Why? Say again! [translate to Malay]

Maid: Ngak tahu buk! Dia bangun dari tidur..kemudian genyehkan matanya…blabla&8^%$ (the rest I didn’t understand)

Me: Can you please speak slowly, say it again..blood in eye or beside the eye? [of course conversed in Malay]

Maid: blablabala&*^%4&&

Oh my God! What was this lady saying?

Me: ngak pa pa…ibu balik, ibu balik! [that’s true! I conversed in Indon language]


Not completed taking the wudhu’, I decided to go home straight away. Nervous! Panic! Confuse, curious and furious also!

Called Mr A to go home first as he surely would reach home faster than me due to the office distance.

About half way to reach home, Mr A called and told that the baby is OK. Hannah accidentally scratched her hemangioma. The blood has vanished by then. Bikin suspen ini maid.
But, I know she has done her work as I always remind her to call and tell me if anything happens to baby. Only was, she called and told me in hurriedly way and hastily voice, and that made me felt irritate.

1 comment:

Kak Teh said...

Salam, got here from Tunku Halim's blog. Just a greeting from a kak teh in Londonb to another Kak Teh.