Almost every night, while laying, I determine not to procrastinate the office works, housechores, etcetera.
That I, will arrive early at the office tomorrow and have ample time to sip a mug of milo, spruce up my workstation before starting my ‘manies’ routine.
BUT, all the wishes are always THE WISHES for some various reasons.
Come morning, I hurriedly do (have to) something (something abt housechores) but not the one that I wished last night. Look at the watch, wahhh late already to office.
I usually don’t take a chance to glance my watch when I tap my mifare card on the door access system. Just for the simple reason that I don’t like to know what time I’m getting in to the office as I know time makes amends and time does mend.
Sit on the chair..oh yeah, ring here, ring there. Cordless phone ring is, habitually, from my boss or my account girl and HP ring is, commonly, from my customer. Entertain them on the phone before heading to pantry for stomach warming.
Get back to workstation, look the list-to-do and recall the requests on the phone just now. OK, I’LL DO! Wait... email first! Check anything on works relevant but cannot resist to open other email from friends. Wink! There might be announcement email, knowledge email, contemplation email or even joke email. At least they give me some amusement to start my day. Oh yes, some may make my day, others... for me to know, for you to find out...
With the name of GOD, I start my work.
Stuck, no idea, boring, can’t reach this people for information, etc? Just give me 10 minutes for commercial break a.k.a surf the net. For 10 minutes only OK. That job still can be prolonged until a day before the due date. Haahhh….that’s answered!
I came across a phrase that translate the word of PROCRASTINATION. It says hard work often pays off after time, but laziness often pays off now. In my 2 cents view, procrastination is not laziness and laziness is not procrastination. We put off one thing not because of we lazy but instead we do other things first while we still adhere to the earlier things that we delay. We must have objective and timeline, only is our schedule is always amended (due to putting off thing). Wink!
Due to procrastination, one might left the job undone or still done but at the very last minute. The latter is "somewhat" my attitude. But I agree with my last minute job as it is more creative and artistic be it reporting, proposal or write up. Thank you for my own complimentary (tee hee). Yahh, always praise ourselves for our own good job isn't it? As boss rarely do this to us. Oh, just think that, it pays off to our procrastination..huhu.
I encountered a description about procrastination as being a beautiful art. Is it?
"What started me off thinking deeper about procrastination was just the simple fact that I have been procrastinating for a long time on a really, simple task, which got me thinking that procrastination is not as simple as it seems! "
Yes, really beautiful.