Thursday, June 5, 2008

Fast and Furious

This is my another tale of fast and furious part XXth. Could be more than 10 times just for these last 2 weeks. There were so many reasons to this title and scene. Some are significant and some just could be leaved it as they were.

The chapter for today is the forget-the-important-thing made me return fast home while feeling furious. The story begun when I’ve already at gate barrier reader going down to basement parking when I, alas, realized it the pocket casing that I slot my access card was left back home. Grouchh!! (Please don’t make me curse with hussy word, I pray to God always for that). There’s also other cards like ATM card and Mifare card to access to my office as well in there. What to do? I’d to go home no matter what as I planned to withdraw my money also WITH My ATM CARD.

What a day! I tried to control the usage of my petrol as the $$ has risen to 41%. Mennn! The more I want to control, the more I want to be economical, that’s the time that the carelessness emerged. I hatee!!!!! Felt like to cry, felt like to shout aloud, the car digital clock displayed 9:30 already (but in fact the watch showed 9:20 – wah..yet still late to office) but I’d no choice, had to make A FULL U-TURN to house which mean was to burn my petrol for another 17 kms. Hence, in total, I’ve misused my 34 kms petrol today. Minyakk…oo Pak Laahh.

Tried to be economical again..just took a bun for lunch :(

Not really, my stomach has had enough this morning. I took a break to have some rice with chicken, terubuk masin from Sarawak (thanks to Sue) & acar buah (thanks to kak Enon) when I came back to take my forgot-things. That’s tell how a bun is enough for lunch ;). Later!

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